Thursday, June 19, 2008

So Soon

Where has the time gone? I swear the days are getting shorter! Or maybe I'm just too busy. I don't know what it is, but either way, time seems to be going by faster these days! I leave in 11 days! I feel like I have so much to do, but I'm not sure what or where to even begin! I'm not really nervous. I guess anxious is probably the best word to describe how I feel right now. It's only for a month, that's really not that hard. I think that my mom is getting a little nervous though. But I have faith that she will be just fine.

They still do not know who is going to replace me at the church! It's really not up to me though. I am going to try to do a few things to help find someone.

After I get back from Peru, I am going to The CALL on August 16th in Washington DC. It's going to be me, my mom and Gina. I think it is going to be a great time. We are going to go up there 2 days earlier so we can hang out and see DC. We have been there before, but Gina has never been. She will love it!

I have a lot of things coming up in the next couple of months! My life is going to be crazy, but I am definitely looking forward to it!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday Morning

It's Sunday morning and I'm sitting in my office doing work! I have been staying at David and Ceci's house this weekend, because David is out of town preaching again. We have been moving boxes of stuff the whole weekend. We are trying to get the house ready before they move, so that we are not doing everything at the last minute. We leave 2 weeks from tomorrow. The time is going by fast!

I have had several people tell me that they would like to support me when I go to Peru. I think that God is already preparing things. I am being faithful to Him, and He is already showing me the benefits of it.

Today is Father's Day, so I am spending the day with my dad. I am going to miss him when I am gone.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I love my family! I am so blessed to have them. I really don't know what I would do without them.

David and Ceci came over to my house last night for dinner. They ended up staying for a while and talking with my family. I think my dad was educated a lot more on Peru. He seems interested in whats going on with GCOI...which is pretty cool, if you ask me!

I've been thinking lately that GCOI is about to take off. I really feel that some major things are around the corner and everything is going to happen a lot quicker than we thought. We are still praying about the Builders without Borders thing, it looks like it is a huge possibility that they might build a school for us. I am just praying that whatever God has in store, nothing will get in the way of. We are all getting excited to leave. I can't believe it is only 19 days away. We have so much to do before we go. But we will survive!

Monday, June 9, 2008

3 weeks...

I leave 3 weeks from today! I can hardly believe's so exciting! I stayed with Ceci all weekend because David was out of town. We had fun. The boys are so hilarious! I love them!

I have been thinking a lot about how I am going to raise support to go to Peru. Honestly, I do not want to ask people for money. Someone once told me that not asking showed a spirit of pride. But I have a different opinion. I am at such a place of trust with the Lord, that I know He will provide for me. I spoke with someone this morning about this issue, and he advised me not to ask for money. He told me to ask for peoples prayers. I agree. Prayer is more important than money. I know that if I am faithful to what God has called me to do, then everything will work out just fine. I still do not know how much I am going to need each month. I am thinking around $500, but I will find out when I get there.

David preached at a church yesterday and received another offering. Thank you Jesus. We submitted our proposal to Builders without Borders, and they are reviewing it. I am not sure what is going to happen with that, but if it is God's will, then it will be. It would be great for them to accept our proposal, then we can have a school. We really need a school in Jicamarca, at least a good one. I know David has been in contact with some people about starting the school and what curriculum to use, I just hope we are not trying to do too much at one time. I don't think so though. God is definitely providing for GCOI, it is exciting to see things actually taking place. Things that have been talked about for years are coming to pass. It is very encouraging.

I can't wait to get down there to see the church. They meet Sunday afternoons, but I think we might change that to Sunday mornings. Also, they have small groups on Tuesday and Thursday night. I do not know how many people attend the small groups, but hopefully they will grow when we get there.

They have a group of guys going on the 21st of this month to finish the house in Jicamarca. I am excited for that. Then, on July 2nd there are 3 people coming from a church to do ministry with us. They will be there for a week. And in August the College and Career group from Life Church is coming with Dr. D and Pastor Marilyn for a week. So I think things with the church (iglesia vida) are going to pick up quickly after we get there. I will not be there when College and Career goes. I wish I could be, but I can't. I am hoping to return around the end of September. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I am up for the challenge!

Please keep us in your prayers, God is definitely hearing them!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


We have our plane tickets!!! We are leaving June 30th. And then I am returning home on July 31st. Praise the LORD! We were thinking about leaving on the 24th, but David and Ceci decided that they would like to be in church on the 29th, so we will leave the day after! Thats good for me too, then I can be in service on the 29th as well. I am going to get to experience Peru's Independance Day on the 28th of June. David told me that it was a great experience! We are flying with Spirit Airlines, which I am not too happy about, but they are the cheapest, and we wanted cheap.

I will have 4 Sunday's to minister while I am in Peru. Iglesia Vida meets on Sunday's in the afternoon, so I will also be able to attend different churches on Sunday Morning's as well. There are a couple of Pastors that I know and want to visit while I am there. I do not know if Ceci has called her family yet to tell them that we are coming. They will be so happy! We have a lot of work to do now! I am not looking forward to that.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

God is GREAT

Well, God has amazed us yet again! I had recently talked with someone that was interested in donating to GCOI, it was a large amount of money, so I have been praying for it. Little did I know that God had other plans. Yesterday I was talking with a husband and wife, they informed me that they were donating $10,000 to David and Ceci. I was shocked! David was equally as shocked when I called him to let him know. He is not speechless very often, but I'm not sure he knew what to say! What a blessing this is! Now we can buy our tickets and GO!!! I am still praying for the other person that was interested in donating. We need all of the prayer, money, resources, etc. that we can get! The vision of GCOI is not a small one. As long as we are faithful to God, He will be faithful to us! Part of this money will help the Hodges family get down to Peru, and get into their new house. Yay! I am so happy!

Monday, June 2, 2008

On hold

Things seem to be "on hold" right now! I don't particularly like using that terminology, however I have come to terms with the fact that I have no idea when I am leaving for Peru. For those of you that are praying, PRAY HARDER! Just joking! I'm ok with waiting, as long as it is God's timing then everything will be ok. David has been contacted about several preaching opportunities over the next month. He has scheduled things to the end of June. So, it is looking like we will now be leaving in July. I'm ok with that. It gives me the opportunity to save more money. Which I have been doing ok with. I could work harder on that though.

I was at David and Ceci's (D&C) house on Friday, literally ALL day! I stayed home on Saturday watching movies, it was great! I am praying that they will get the support they need. Most people do not realize that they need a fairly large amount of monthly support because of the area that they are in. They will have to purchase a generator that runs on diesel fuel to have electricity and also have water shipped in every week. This is not cheap. Also, the money for transportation will be expensive. They really need a car in Jicamarca, but there are other things to worry about first.

I have had many people commit to coming down there to minister with us, I'm hoping that they will not forget about us! I cant wait to get there and start having groups come. It will be great!

I am still praying about some huge financial blessing the could possibly come our way! God knows what He is doing!